First and foremost, I want to thank DJ Kevin Scott and the team behind "DJ AM Lives" for keeping his legacy alive. You are truly doing the DJ community (and those who genuinely appreciate music) a great service. The release of all of his mixes and unreleased mixes really demonstrates his genius and creativity.
I am sure I am not the only one who has wondered about this topic, but I felt it would be a great question for so many DJs who are just starting out or even DJs who have doing this for years. My question is: "How did Adam organize his music?" Did he organize his music based on the year/decade? The energy level of the evening? Both? Or did he use a different method? I always found it remarkable that he was able to go in and out of genres and time periods and I have always wondered if he organized his music in a certain way.
For anyone that has personally known him or has heard Adam discuss this topic elsewhere, please share your thoughts. I do apologize if this has already been discussed in the past.
I cannot believe it has already been 10 years. Thank you for keeping his memory going!
Long live Adam "DJ AM" Goldstein!
Wow! Yes, I would love to see more if possible! AM certainly was a pioneer and a master at his craft and this was only a small window to that.
Thank you for taking the time to respond and doing so in such little time and so much detail.
Hey @charliebee --
Thanks for posting up a question! So the short answer is that he used a combination of different methods. But mostly it was broken down according to gig types then placed in an order in which the tracks could roughly fit together.
So for instance, Adam played many commercial gigs which he put all those tracks into an "AHH YEAH" crate. He also had specific genre crates for 80s, 90s, R&B along with Rock, Hip Hop Classics and Grown N Sexy (which is basically opening R&B style). He would also have crates for Banana Split, Elton Mixes and gigs that required other styles of music.
He also had specific mix sets he would do broken into crates as well... so like Oasis and his Horn Set for example.
This image below is taken directly from his last laptop in August of 2009, it shows part of his AHH YEAH crate (which is essentially his main club crate) and these tracks are mostly in the order he liked to play these tracks. He had it set up in a way that he could jump around to do different familiar AM mix sets or could play similar tracks that were close in BPM if he felt like riffing.
Hope this helps answer your question. I may add some additional screens of his organization over time as well so check back again.