The duo of Travis Barker & DJ AM, better known as TRV$DJ-AM, played 3 high profile shows at The Roxy Theater in Los Angeles in Summer of 2008. The show dates were June 25th, July 30th & August 27th of 2008. It was during this string of shows that they also released their first mixtape online entitled Fix Your Face. They were billed as "3 exclusive Summertime shows" and all 3 of them sold out:
Long time AM friend & photographer Glen Han, better known as Glenjamn on YouTube, was at the July 30th show and shot some incredible video & stills, many of which have never been seen before! Check em out:
In a DJ AM Lives exclusive, we have edited together a 36 min video of the performance as shot that night by Glenjamn! Check it out below and don't forget to subscribe to the DJ AM Lives YouTube page for more exclusives, videos & playlists with the best DJ AM videos from all over YouTube!